
File an excise tax render

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Accessing a revenue enhancement render

  1. On dor.wa.gov click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Countersign, then click Log In. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started.
  4. In the Excise Tax Return console, click the File Return link. If y'all have more than one return to file, the Excise Tax Outstanding Returns panel will display, click View Returns and click File Return next to the return you want to file.

Select Taxes

  • If you lot have no business organisation activity to report in this filing menstruum, select Report No Business. Click Next.
  • If you want to upload a file, select Upload a File. Instructions how to upload data files.
  • Review and select tax classifications. If you want to add together or delete whatever previously selected revenue enhancement classifications, click the Add/Delete Taxation Classifications push. More information on revenue enhancement classifications for common business activities. Click Next.

Concern & Occupation

  1. For each tax classification, enter your gross sales in the Gross Amount field.
  • If you lot have deductions, click the Add together Deduction button. Select the deduction type and enter the corporeality. Click OK.
  • If your business qualifies for the Pocket-sized Business organisation Credit, information technology will automatically calculate based on the value entered for the Gross Amount.
  • If you accept additional credits, click the Add/Delete Credits button. Select the credit type and enter the corporeality. Click OK.
  1. In one case all income, deductions, and credits are entered click Next.

State Sales and Utilize

  1. The Retail Sales Gross Amount and applicable deductions accept carried forward from the Business organization & Occupation page.
  • If y'all have additional deductions, click the Add Deduction button. Select the deduction type and enter the amount. Click OK.
  1. If applicable, enter the gross amount bailiwick to Use Tax in the Gross Amount field.
  • If you lot have Sales and Use Credits, click the Add/Delete Credits push. Select the credit type and enter the amount. Click Ok.
  1. Once all income, deductions, and credits are entered, click Next.

Local Sales

  1. Click the Add Locations button to add local city or county sales tax jurisdictions. Yous tin can either type in the name of the jurisdiction or the location code to filter and select a location. If y'all demand to add more than one location, click in the bare row beneath the last added location. Once all locations are added, click OK.
  2. Once you take your locations listed, enter your retail sales Taxable Amount for each location. The total Local Sales Taxable Amount must equal the total Retail Sales Taxable Amount.
  3. Click Next.

Local Use

  1. Click the Add Locations button to add together local metropolis or county use tax jurisdictions. Y'all tin either type in the proper noun of the jurisdiction or the location code to filter and select a location. If you need to add more than than one location, click in the blank row beneath the terminal added location. Once all locations are added, click OK.
  2. Once you have your locations listed, enter your use tax Taxable Corporeality for each location. The total Local Utilise Tax Taxable Amount must equal the total Use Revenue enhancement Taxable Amount.
  3. Click Next.

Other Taxes

  1. Enter the gross amount for each taxation classification in the Gross Amount field.
  2. Click the Next button.


  1. Review the return information entered. If yous desire to edit any information, use the applicable link to review a specific page of the return.
  2. Enter the Prepared Past, Phone Number, and E-mail Address information.
  3. Click Next.

Return Totals

If you filed your return late, you volition come across the Return Totals page.

  1. Review the information.
  2. To request a penalty waiver, first click the Request Penalty Waiver checkbox. Then, select if you would similar to be considered for a 24 month waiver by clicking Yes or No. A 24 month waiver tin can only exist granted once every 2 years. Select No to take your request reviewed if the reason is due to extenuating circumstances. Delight note that if y'all select No and do not qualify for a penalty waiver due to extenuating circumstances, you will then be considered for a 24 month waiver. Adjacent, select if you will pay the penalty amount by clicking Yes or No. Then, provide an explanation in the Penalty Waiver Explanation field.
  3. Click Next.

Select a payment type

  1. Select the payment type you wish to use and follow the prompts. More information on payment options.
  • ACH Debit/E-Check will deduct the payment from the bank business relationship you lot select on the next page.
  • Credit Card will charge the credit menu you provide on the next page. A 2.5% credit card processing fee is charged by a 3rd political party vendor for this service. Enter your email accost. Click the Enter Credit Card Information push button to be redirected to a third political party vendor to complete the transaction.
  • Contact your banking concern to initiate payment (ACH Credit). Learn more.
  • No Payment will allow you to submit the return without making a payment.
  1. Click the Next button.

Last Review

Verify the information on the Final Review page, then click Submit.


You can impress the Confirmation page past clicking Print Confirmation. To print a copy of the return, click Print Submission. If yous have a credit, you lot tin add or update an electronic refund bank business relationship by clicking Add/Update Electronic Refund Business relationship. Then click Ok.

File a render with no business action

If you do not have business concern activities during your filing period, you must however file your return by the due date using 1 of the post-obit options:

  • Express file online at dor.wa.gov/expressfilenobiz. No login required. Run across steps below.
  • E-file a "no business concern" render using our online taxation filing organisation, My DOR.
  • Call our automated system 24/7 at 360-705-6705. After the greeting, enter one at each prompt, your ix-digit taxation Account ID/UBI number, and then follow the instructions.

Express file

  1. On dor.wa.gov/expressfilenobiz, enter your Account ID number and click Next.
  2. On the File a No Business Return folio, select your assigned filing frequency and the filing menstruum you need to file the No Concern Return for.
  3. Confirm this business has no activity to report.
  4. Enter the Prepared by and Phone Number information, then click Submit. A Confirmation window displays, enter and ostend your Email.
  5. Complete the Security Validation department by checking the box adjacent to I'm non a robot. You may be asked to complete a validation challenge.
  6. Click Ok.
  7. On the Confirmation page, you lot can print your confirmation by clicking Print Confirmation. Click Ok.

e-file in My DOR

  1. On dor.wa.gov click the Log in button.
  2. Log in past entering your SAW User ID and Countersign, and so click Log In. If asked, complete the Multi-Cistron Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started.
  4. In the Excise Tax Return panel, click the File Return link.
  5. On the Select Taxes page, select Report No Business.
  6. Click Next.
  7. The Summary page displays return totals of $0.00. Enter the Prepared by, Phone Number, and E-mail Address data and click Submit. If y'all are filing your render belatedly, click Adjacent and so click Submit on the Return Totals page.
  8. On the Confirmation page, you tin print your confirmation by clicking Print Confirmation. To print a copy of the return, click Print Submission.
  9. Click Ok.
File a saved (draft) return

If you lot saved a draft of a render, you tin come up back and file it at a later time.

  1. On dor.wa.gov click the Log in button.
  2. Log in past entering your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log In. If asked, consummate the Multi-Factor Authentication claiming to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Go Started.
  4. In the Excise Tax Return panel, click the Edit Return link.
  • If y'all exercise non come across your draft, click the More Options tab. In the Drafts and Submissions section click View, Edit, or Print Drafts or Submissions. In the Draft tab, click the Title link for the draft submission. Click Go along Editing.
  1. The render is now available for you to walk through and make changes. Follow the steps in the File an Excise Taxation Render department for help completing the render.
  • To add or delete tax classifications, click the Add/Delete Tax Classifications button on the Select Taxes page. Each page of the saved render will be available for yous to update (unless you delete classifications, then that folio will be deleted from your online return).
  • To update amounts, you tin can type over the original amounts in the return. Advance through the pages of your return by clicking the Next push.
  • To asking a punishment waiver, first click the Asking Penalisation Waiver checkbox. Then, select if you would like to be considered for a 24 month waiver by clicking Yeah or No. A 24 month waiver can only be granted once every two years. Select No to take your asking reviewed if the reason is due to extenuating circumstances. Please note that if you select No and do not qualify for a penalization waiver due to extenuating circumstances, you will then be considered for a 24 month waiver. Adjacent, select if you lot will pay the penalization amount by clicking Yep or No. And so, provide an explanation in the Penalisation Waiver Caption field.

Meliorate and extend

Ameliorate a tax return
  1. On dor.wa.gov click the Log in push button.
  2. Log in by inbound your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log In. If asked, consummate the Multi-Cistron Hallmark challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started.
  4. In the Excise Taxation Account panel, click the View Periods and Amend Returns link.
  5. Click the Period link yous desire to amend. The summary of the menstruum displays.
  6. Click the File, View, or Ameliorate a Return link. The summary of the return displays.
  7. Click the Amend link.
  8. The return is now available for you to walk through and make changes.
  • To add or delete tax classifications, click the Add/Delete Revenue enhancement Classifications button on the Select Taxes folio. Each folio of the original return will be available for you lot to update (unless you delete classifications, and so that page will be deleted from your online return).
  • To update amounts, you lot can type over the original amounts in the return. Advance through the pages of your return by clicking the Next button.
  1. Review the information on the Summary folio. Enter the Prepared by, Phone Number, and E-Post Address information. If you want to edit any data, click the link above the Summary page championship to review that page of the return.
  2. Enter a brief caption of the reason for the amendment, click the Submit, and continue to pace 12. If you are alteration your return subsequently the due date, click Next and continue to stride 11.
  3. Review the data on the Return Totals folio. To request a penalization waiver, first click the Request Penalty Waiver checkbox. Then, select if you would similar to be considered for a 24 month waiver by clicking Yes or No. A 24 month waiver tin only be granted in one case every ii years. Select No to have your request reviewed if the reason is due to extenuating circumstances. Please note that if you select No and do not qualify for a penalty waiver due to extenuating circumstances, you will and then be considered for a 24 month waiver. Next, select if you lot will pay the penalization amount by clicking Yeah or No. And so, provide an explanation in the Penalty Waiver Caption field. Then, click the Side by side or Submit button. If at that place is an additional amount due on the amended return, you lot'll see the Next push. If you take no additional corporeality due or a credit, you lot'll see the Submit button.
  4. If in that location is an boosted amount due on the amended return, you'll be guided through the payment procedure. If you lot have no additional corporeality due or a credit, the Confirmation page displays. Print a copy of this page by clicking Print Confirmation. To print a copy of the render, click Print Submission. If y'all have a credit, you can add or update an electronic refund banking concern account by clicking Add together/Update Electronic Refund Account.
  5. Click the OK button.
Request a filing extension

An extension may be granted if requested before the due date of the return for which the extension is granted. If the due date has passed, a penalty waiver must exist requested instead. You lot must be a tax account administrator to asking an extension. Larn more.

  1. On dor.wa.gov click the Log in button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password, and so click Log In. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Hallmark challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started.
  4. In the Excise Taxation Return panel, click the Request a Return Extension link.
  • If the link does not display, the render is non eligible for an extension.
  1. Select an Extension Reason, then click Submit.
  2. On the Confirmation page, click Ok.


View or print a re-create of a render
  1. On dor.wa.gov click the Log in push.
  2. Log in past inbound your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log In. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started.
  4. In the Excise Tax Account console, click the View Periods and Better Returns link.
  5. Click the Returns tab.
  6. Click the View or Meliorate Return link next to the render you want to view or print a copy of.
  7. The summary of the return displays. Click Impress to print a copy of the return.
View/impress a copy of a Consumer Sales Tax Refund Application
  1. On dor.wa.gov click the Log in  button.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Countersign, and so click Log In. If asked, complete the Multi-Cistron Hallmark challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started.
  4. Click the Manage My Profile link located later the Welcome, (your proper noun) message in the pinnacle right.
  5. In the Drafts and Submissions panel, click the View, Edit, or Print Drafts or Submissions link.
  6. Click the Refund Awarding link for the application you want to view or impress a copy.
  7. The Refund Awarding displays. Click Print to print a copy of the Refund Application.

A new browser will open and display the Refund Application. Apply the browser menu to print or download a .PDF file of the Refund Awarding.

Wood and Leasehold

File a forest revenue enhancement return
  1. On dor.wa.gov click the Log in button.
  2. Log in past inbound your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log In. If asked, complete the Multi-Factor Authentication challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started.
  4. In the Forest Revenue enhancement Return panel, click the File Return link.
  5. Click the File link and complete the return details, for each permit listed.
    • Select "Report No Harvest" if applicative, and click Next.
    • If you need to add together an unlisted permit, click the Add an unlisted allow push.
  6. On the Summary folio, enter the Prepared by, Submitter Phone Number, and Email Address data. Click Next.
  7. Select the payment type you wish to use and follow the prompts. More information on payment options.
  • ACH Debit/E-Check will deduct the payment from the bank account you select on the next page.
  • Credit Carte will accuse the credit menu y'all provide on the next page. A 2.v% credit card processing fee is charged by a 3rd party vendor for this service. Enter your e-mail address. Click the Enter Credit Card Data push to exist redirected to a tertiary party vendor to complete the transaction.
  • Contact your bank to initiate payment (ACH Credit). Learn more.
  • No Payment will permit you to submit the render without making a payment.
  1. Click the Next push.
  2. Verify the data on the Final Review page, then click Submit.
  3. You can impress the Confirmation page past clicking Print Confirmation. To print a copy of the return, click Printable View. If you accept a credit, you can add or update an electronic refund bank account by clicking Add/Update Electronic Refund Account. Then click Ok.
File a leasehold taxation return
  1. On dor.wa.gov click the Log in push.
  2. Log in by entering your SAW User ID and Password, then click Log In. If asked, complete the Multi-Gene Hallmark challenge to verify your identity.
  3. On the My DOR Services page, click Get Started.
  4. In the Leasehold Render panel, click the File Return link.
  5. On the Expectations tab, select the lease blazon(s) you demand to file for and click Next.
  6. Follow the prompts to complete the return.
  7. On the Summary folio, enter the Prepared by, Phone Number, and East-Mail Address information. Click Next.
  8. Select the payment type you wish to use and follow the prompts. More data on payment options.
  • ACH Debit/E-Bank check will deduct the payment from the bank business relationship you lot select on the adjacent page.
  • Credit Card will charge the credit card you provide on the next page. A 2.five% credit menu processing fee is charged by a third party vendor for this service. Enter your electronic mail address. Click the Enter Credit Carte Data button to be redirected to a third party vendor to complete the transaction.
  • Contact your bank to initiate payment (ACH Credit). Learn more.
  • No Payment will permit you to submit the return without making a payment.
  1. Click the Side by side push.
  2. Verify the information on the Final Review page, and then click Submit.
  3. You tin can impress the Confirmation page by clicking Print Confirmation. To print a copy of the render, click Impress Submission. If yous have a credit, you can add or update an electronic refund bank account past clicking Add/Update Electronic Refund Account. And so click Ok.